O2 Media™ Stands Head and Shoulders above the Competition

As a pioneer in branded entertainment, Pompano Beach, Florida, production company O2 Media™ is an industry leader. They offer a number of branded entertainment platforms, all with proven track records. Lifetime’s The Balancing Act®, Designing Spaces™, and Incredible Discoveries®. In addition to broadcast television, O2 Media™ also provides hands-on opportunities via the Balance Your Life Road Tour™ and print advertisements through their quarterly women’s magazine, Balance Your Life™. Through the years the team has earned the respect of countless clients who share their experiences here.


Great return on investment! The exposure and prominence that Lifetime and this show, The Balancing Act®, have amongst our target audience is dollar for dollar more potent than really any print ad we can run. It definitely resonates better with that target market.

Anthony Lucchetto, Owner, 180BodyClinic.com

We are pleased to hear that your appearance has caused such an impact. Thank you.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act®
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


When you have a new product you’ve got to get it out there. It’s important that you spend the time on the marketing and the effort and the money on the marketing so that people can see it’s out there and you can test the market more quickly and see how it’s going to do.

David Gonzalos II, Founder & CEO, Impact Advanced Can

Thank you for taking the time to say these kind words. We appreciate you and hope that you will return again in the near future.
Doug Campbell, O2 Media

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


To team up with The Balancing Act® in this entire production is amazing to me because they totally understand the power of the tube as well as social media. So to team up and having both companies understand the power of that, I mean, I think we could break records.

Robert Ferguson, Nutrition/Author/Endorser, Proclaim Nutrition

We certainly hope that you do break records, and lots of them. The segment was both fun and educational and I think our viewers have taken notice.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act®
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


It’s hard to communicate [our] type of information. We felt this was the best format to do that.

Sonia Thomasino, Marketing Manager, Pilot Corp. of America

The issues that you spoke about, specifically arthritis, affects so many people and many of those have lost their ability to communicate the way there are accustomed to, by writing. The thought that Pilot has put into the new pens is amazing and I am proud that we were able to share that with the women in our viewership.
Doug Campbell, O2 Media

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


The large viewership—I mean, once I had a chance to work with some of the folks here at The Balancing Act® I got an idea of just how broad the viewership was here. Again, it gave us kind of that immediate plug-in or connection to that audience.

Michael Sullivan, VP Sales & Marketing, Avlon Pharmaceuticals

Michael, we have worked so hard for over a decade to build our viewer base. We take pride in only presenting them with products that they can use. We are so glad to have been able to bring Avlon onto the show.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act®
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


We just felt that we needed to start reaching out to different avenues where, because our roots are in car audio, so for 30 years we’ve been in car audio. It’s been a very male dominant group of followers. Again, just getting out to that new demographic. This is a great vehicle to do that.

Rick Wenner, Manager—Health & Fitness Products, Scosche Industries

We are so glad that Scosche Industries has expanded their outreach to women. For you, this untapped market may offer the boost you need to become a household name and we sincerely hope that The Balancing Act® helps you achieve that.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


I would come back…it’s been a fantastic experience. I feel that I’ve been supported throughout the entire process. I have every confidence that it’s going to work out really well so, I would guess yes!

Erika Bird, Director, The Reading Game

We will welcome you with open arms – and an open mic! Please do contact us when you are ready to talk about another appearance.
Doug Campbell, O2 Media

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


I had a very good time. Everybody here has been fantastic.

Dr. Kevin T. Brady, President & CEO, Amer. Inst. For History Education

Our parent/teacher corner is one of the most important segments on our show since it directly impacts children and parents. We were so pleased to be able to help you get your point out and remind our viewers that it takes history to make history.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


Yes, I would definitely recommend The Balancing Act® to customers because it gives them a platform of education. Being in the health industry I know the importance of educating your audience. This is a great platform to do it.

David Hawk, Marketing Consultant, Team Angel Barn Dad Nutrition

Thank you for so many warm words regarding our show, The Balancing Act®. From all of use at O2 Media, we wish you the best.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act®
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073

Brenda Lee Reed Explains Vitamin D Deficiency in America

Brenda Lee Reed

Brenda Lee Reed

Health and wellness expert Brenda Lee Reed explains the health benefits of this essential vitamin.

A Gathering of Experts: Good morning, Brenda Lee Reed. We appreciate you being with us today. Can you tell our readers, just how serious is the lack of Vitamin D among children in the United States?

Brenda Lee Reed: An estimated 70% of American children have low levels of Vitamin D.

A Gathering of Experts: Wow! What happens of the body is low on Vitamin D?

Brenda Lee Reed: It has long been known that Vitamin D insufficiency is linked to the disease rickets, which is the softening of the bones.

A Gathering of Experts: Why is Vitamin D so important to our health?

Brenda Lee Reed: It is not just a vitamin.  Calcitriol, which is its metabolic product, is a secosteroid hormone that impacts more than 2,000 genes in the body.

A Gathering of Experts: What are some other diseases and illnesses that may be caused by Vitamin D deficiency?

Brenda Lee Reed: According to recent research, a deficiency in Vitamin D plays a major role in the pathology of roughly 17 varieties of cancer.  It is also implicated as a factor in heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, depression, autoimmune disease, chronic pain, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, periodontal, and birth defects, to name a few.

A Gathering of Experts: Are there any other health issues associated with Vitamin D deficiency?

Brenda Lee Reed: There is evidence that people who are deficient in Vitamin D are more likely to become infected with the flu, colds, and other respiratory tract infections.

A Gathering of Experts: Very interesting…

Brenda Lee Reed: It is…in fact, the Public Health Agency of Canada is investigating the role Vitamin D plays in protection against certain illnesses.  The influence of Vitamin D on health and overall well-being can no longer be ignored.

A Gathering of Experts: Why are so many children in the United States Vitamin D deficient?

Brenda Lee Reed: Our skin makes Vitamin D from sun exposure.  Children and adults today do not spend much time outdoors and when they do they are usually wearing sunscreen which blocks Vitamin D production.

A Gathering of Experts: How much sun exposure do we need?

Brenda Lee Reed: Everyone needs at least 15 minutes of sun exposure at least 3 times a week, and dark pigmented skin requires more to produce enough Vitamin D.  Twenty minutes of sun exposure allows the skin to produce 10,000 IU Vitamin D, which is 50 times more than is recommended by the U.S. government.

Vitamin D can be found in milk, orange juice, salmon, mushrooms, egg yolks, and organ meats.  However, it is difficult to acquire enough Vitamin D from foods alone.  So if you do not get adequate sun exposure, it is recommended that you take at least 5,000 IU supplement for adults and adolescents, and 400 IU per day for infants and children.

A Gathering of Experts: Are all supplements the same?

Brenda Lee Reed: No, it is important to use a vitamin labeled “D3” as that is the same as natural Vitamin D. D2 is synthetic and less effective.

A Gathering of Experts: How do I know if I am Vitamin D deficient?

Brenda Lee Reed: A blood test can determine if your Vitamin D levels are sufficient.  According to the Vitamin D Council, your blood levels should be between 50-80 ng/mL.

A Gathering of Experts: Do you have any final thoughts or advice on this topic?

Brenda Lee Reed: I want to point out that breastfeeding mothers should make certain their levels are adequate; otherwise they may need to supplement their baby’s diet with Vitamin D.

A Gathering of Experts: Well, thank you for this information. This is not something that should be ignored.

Brenda Lee Reed: The pleasure is mine; thank you for the opportunity.


Brenda Lee Reed is the founder and managing director of Middle Tennessee’s Genesis Healing Center. She is certified in a number of holistic treatment therapies and has dedicated the past 30 years of her life to teaching others how to get healthy and stay that way. Through Genesis Healing Center, Brenda Lee Reed offers 7 to 30 day detox programs – for more information, visit www.GenesisHealingCenter.com

Jeffrey Kale Flagg | Unlocking the Key to Success

Jeffrey Kale Flagg

Jeffrey Kale Flagg

As co-founder, COO and/or CEO of three distinct $100 million enterprises, Jeffrey Kale Flagg has overseen more than one hundred thousand sales people; and Flagg has spoken to and motivated more then 15,000 individuals at single venues . A skilled communicator, Jeffrey Kale Flagg shares some of his secrets to success in this brief article.

According to Jeffrey Kale Flagg, it can be quite frustrating and disappointing to spend time with people that constantly complain about their lives but never do anything to remedy an unwanted situation.  The amazing thing, says Jeffrey Kale Flagg, is that even though everyone can fix their problems, very few people try.  They prefer to sit, do nothing and complain. Why don’t people choose the mountain peak that they want to climb and just do it?  “There is no simple answer,” says Flagg.  “All I can tell you is that no matter how good any opportunity is, some people simply aren’t willing to put in effort.  They aren’t willing to change.”

We all know people who constantly complain, points out Jeffrey Kale Flagg. They complain about their job, complain about their relationships, or complain about no money or their weight. They may complain about their boss, or the weather or just about life in general. They keep doing the same thing day in and day out, adds Flagg, and are shocked when nothing changes. Why would people rather moan and groan than take action?  The answer to their problem, according to Jeffrey Kale Flagg, is really so simple.  All they have to do is to stop doing the things that are creating the wrong results.  They simply have to change their approach, says Flagg.

Jeffrey Kale Flagg suggests a simple formula for success.  Step one, says Flagg, is to find someone that has accomplished what you want, someone who has achieved the result that you want to achieve.  Then, says Jeffrey Kale Flagg, copy their formula–do what they did to get their result.  Lastly, concludes Flagg, is to stay persistent and never quit.  It sounds too simple, acknowledges Jeffrey Kale Flagg. Like many others, he says he was brought up to believe that to become successful, the formula had to be complex, difficult or unique.  But according to Flagg, “that is pure hogwash!”

According to Jeffrey Kale Flagg, to be successful all you have to do is find the vehicle that has taken another person up success-mountain. And then, concludes Jeffrey Kale Flagg, use the identical vehicle and drive on the same road.


Donald Leon Farrow Discusses his Observations of Relaxing With Animals

Donald Leon FarrowDonald Leon Farrow began helping animals in 2006 when he joined local dog rescue organizations in Michigan and Chicago. He noticed that regardless of the level of urgency in assisting the animals, the volunteers were very organized in their work, and tending to what needed to be done by observation and with little or no conversation. Although the work was at times exhausting says Donald Leon Farrow, the volunteers left for home with a sense of calm and humanitarian accomplishment. This says Donald, is comparable to the calm and often voiceless acceptance and companionship that we receive from our animal friends.

Below, Donald Leon Farrow, continuing his volunteer efforts, answers questions about work with animals that enriches the lives of volunteers as they improve the lives of the animals.

Q: What led to your thoughts on this?

Donald Leon Farrow: You would think that I would leave and arrive home miserable given some of the situations that I and the other volunteers encounter. At least for my group – that’s not the case. We have a true sense of accomplishment and its relaxing. Sometimes we go to dinner as a group, and no one is complaining about life. We are talking about the wonderful animals and everyone is relaxed. Then I return home to my family and dogs, and the dogs are just there to be with you as you sit and read. Its truly relaxing.

Q: But life is full of stress isn’t it?

Donald Leon Farrow: Of course, it is – but our mental state is an influence. Our volunteering efforts with these animals is a quiet activity where at least for part of the day, we are focused on helping animals in trouble who cannot fend for themselves. It really takes you away from concerns of yourself for awhile – I think it’s healthy.

Q: And at home?

Donald Leon Farrow: You get home and you’re a bit tired sometimes, and other times exhausted. You’re aware that you made a difference, and there are your animals looking for you which is even more relaxing. I imagine the process is easier when you’re helping animals. They are more predictable or less complex in their behavior than people – and they don’t talk.

Q: What was the most difficult part of helping these animals?

Donald Leon Farrow: You’re up close dealing with the fallout of indifferent, ignorant and cruel people – it’s just bottomless. You get a better understanding of the inhumanity in the world. Neglect and cruelty to animals are a small microcosm of the evil in this world across all socio-economic levels.

Q: How did you put your creativity to work in helping the animals?

Donald Leon Farrow: The shelters that I work with partner with local veterinarians who volunteer services. We also for example accept reject blankets from charity donation centers and other sources. We clean these and make dog beds. So, most of our creativity is in getting our communities involved in donating items that we can use for the animals.

Q: Are the communities responsive?

Donald Leon Farrow: Most certainly. People want to help the animals and thank us for asking. They are glad that the rescue exists. Many people see stray animals but don’t believe they have room in their lives to help. We give them the opportunity.

Q: How do you handle aggressive animals?

Donald Leon Farrow: I must first state that the animals are made aggressive by their experience with irresponsible people. We have people in our volunteer network who specialize in working these situations. Sometimes we are able to save these types of animal and adopt them out, and sadly sometimes not. But we are still able to shelter and care for them. We also have volunteers – animal whisperers if you will – who visit and care for these animals.

Q: You have animals at home?

Donald Leon Farrow: Yes, two dogs. This I have found to be particularly relaxing from the simple routine of caring for them, to the quiet nature of our relationships – we don’t need to say much if anything – it’s enough to just be genuine friends with each other. It gives me good comfort to know that I am able to give them wonderful lives.

Q: Any recommendations for keeping animals healthy?

Donald Leon Farrow: Definitely spay and neuter your dogs. Definitely have their teeth professionally cleaned at least once per year. No bones or rawhide, and purchase the best food. Science Diet is good, Blue Wellness and Natural Balance are top-of-the-line brands. Always read the label of any food and the primary contents should be meat.

Q: Your final comments on relaxing with Animals?

Donald Leon Farrow: We will have a truly humane society, when we value the quality of life for the most discarded, helpless and unprotected creatures walking among us – these are animals. Once we heed the call of humanity at this level – we will care for each other.

Donald Leon Farrow has worked with animal rescue for many years. As a leader in the architectural profession, Donald Leon Farrow believes that professional success should be balanced with community involvement. For many years, Donald Leon Farrow has served as an animal rescue volunteer and fundraiser for local and national animal welfare Societies respectively.

Arthur van der Vant Explains Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors

Arthur van der Vant

Arthur van der Vant

Illinois Receiver Arthur van der Vant has helped countless corporations, LLC, and partnerships avoid bankruptcy through a process known as Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors, most commonly referred to as “ABC.” Arthur van der Vant is an expert in corporate turnaround and commercial real estate as well an adept and experienced business executive. Here, van der Vant offers information about the ABC process and what it means to everyone concerned.

Illinois Common Law

Arthur van der Vant explains that the Illinois ABC process is a contractual general assignment based on Illinois common law. Through an assignment, debtors release their assets to the control of a trustee. This trustee, or assignee, is responsible for the physical state of the assets in questions, says Arthur van der Vant. These assets may be sold to generate fund to settle outstanding debts or the assignee can essentially take over day to day operations of the debtor entity to generate additional profits and to enhance the estate. According to Arthur van der Vant, an ABC is a voluntary process and the assignee is chosen by the debtor.

ABC Versus Chapter 7 and Chapter 11

Bankruptcies are a matter of the public record, ABCs are not.  The biggest benefit of an assignment is that it is cost effective and can be completed more efficiently than Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 proceedings, notes Arthur van der Vant. Also, since the Illinois ABC process is non-judicial, it can be quicker, and it can be done with less notoriety for the debtor. Unlike a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, an ABC allows for the business to operate under the assignee’s control to generate additional income to be used to repay its debts.

Benefits to the Debtor

Arthur van der Vant explains that an ABC does not mar a debtor’s credit score. Additionally, once the assets are liquidated and all creditors are paid in full, Arthur van der Vant says that excess funds, if any, are returned to the debtor.

Creditor Benefits

The ABC process is less complicated, says Arthur van der Vant. This translates into less wait time for creditors to receive more of their funds. According to Arthur van der Vant, an ABC may be completed in months whereas a federal bankruptcy case may extend debt settlement by years. Arthur van der Vant also notes that the general assignment process typically generates a larger income in which to repay creditors. This can help the creditor regain a larger portion of owed funds and decrease the likelihood of having to write off large amounts, reports Arthur van der Vant.

Assignee Duties

The assignee is in a position to gain a clear understanding of how a business was functioning that made it fail in the first place, says Arthur van der Vant. The assignee will have access to all documentation and financial records, and would investigate the debtor’s true and honest value. Arthur van der Vant notes that one of the most important roles the assignee plays is investigating the debtor’s financial habits in the time before the ABC to determine if there was any possible attempt to defraud creditors by hiding assets, or payouts made based on preference versus priority.


Question: Can an Assignee such as Arthur van der Vant act on behalf of the debtor to collect debts owed to them?

Answer: A debtor in the assignment (ABC) may also be a creditor to whom monies are owed.  For example; imagine a Widget Corporation that sold goods or services but did not receive a payment from its costumes and as a consequence of its financial difficulties elected to do an ABC.   Upon assignment the assignee (Arthur van der Vant) would own any and all rights to and interest in all assets including Widget’s account receivables.  Therefore, after the assignment the assignee (Arthur van der Vant) could take legal action to collect and recover debts owed to Widget Corporation who is now debtor in ABC.

Question: How can I get in touch with Arthur van der Vant about his Assignee services?

Answer: A full description of Arthur van der Vant ’s Assignee services and duties may be found by visiting www.illinoisreceiver.com

Question: As an Assignee, is Arthur van der Vant legally operating as the in-debt business or is he considered a third and neutral party?

Answer: Similarly to a Bankruptcy Trustee, in the Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors (ABC), Arthur van der Vant (assignee) becomes a third party who takes the control and management over debtor’s assets, but Arthur van der Vant is not the debtor.  Upon assignment Arthur van der Vant obtains all decision making over debtor’s interests, including over its board of directors, if any, and could continue to operate the business for an undefined period of time, but keep in mind that his purpose is to close the business and to liquidate its assets to pay creditors.

Question: Does the ABC process provide for an automatic stay for the debtor as in the Bankruptcy Code §362?

Answer: No, the Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors (ABC) does not provide for an automatic stay and creditors may obtain judgments against the debtor entity(s).  However, before initiating any legal action after the assignment, creditors must also evaluate how much a judgment is worth against a debtor entity that has no assets?

Question: Once Arthur van der Vant has accepted the assignment, could debtor’s creditors force the debtor into a bankruptcy if they feel it would better serves their purposes?

Answer:  It is possible during the first 120 days after the assignment for creditors to force the debtor in ABC into an involuntary bankruptcy.  However, it is also worth noting that the bankruptcy court may reject the involuntary bankruptcy in favor of the ABC, if there is no compelling justification for the involuntary bankruptcy v. ABC.

Question: What are Arthur van der Vant’s fees for ABC services?

Answer: Arthur van der Vant’s fees in ABC very on case by case bases and are usually relative to the difficulty of the assignment.  Arthur van der Vant may charge an upfront flat fee upon assignment, a percentage of value generated, an hourly rate, or a combination of all the above.  Regardless of the fee, Arthur van der Vant will not take an assignment unless a value can be created for the creditors.




Philip Melugin: Safety Tips for Quail Hunting

Philip Melugin

Philip Melugin

Phoenix Home Care founder Philip Melugin owns Pheasant Run Ranch in Kansas. As owner of the 5,000-acre hunting facility, Philip Melugin consistently stresses to other hunters the importance of safe hunting practices. For those who are new to the field, Melugin identifies several must-follow rules. Even for longtime hunters, Philip Melugin suggests that reviewing these suggestions could prove a valuable refresher.

  • Wear blaze orange. This is also known as safety orange and it is easy to spot. As Philip Melugin points out, the more orange you can wear, the better. Hunting clothing available in safety orange includes baseball caps, vests, jackets, pants, and shirts.
  • Follow gun safety rules. While in transit, Philip Melugin emphasizes that a shotgun should remain unloaded with barrels open until arrival at your destination. The safety should be engaged when you are not actively hunting.
  • Safety comes first at all times. As Philip Melugin warns, you should only shoot when you are 100% certain no other hunters are within shooting range. This rule extends to other hunters’ guides and any hunting dogs that may be out on the hunt. You should be aware of your surroundings and the location of every person or dog in the vicinity at all times.
  • Shots toward the ground are strictly forbidden, since these shots could harm the dogs. Philip Melugin quotes a general rule that disallows hunters from shooting at prey at any point that requires the gun to go below a point where it is horizontal with the ground.
  • Wear proper clothing. Thick pants are advisable, especially in cooler temperatures, because they will protect your legs from brush. Philip Melugin also advises wearing comfortable shoes with sturdy soles to prevent slips. Be sure your shoes are broken in prior to going out on your hunt to avoid being slowed down by foot discomfort.
  • Study regulations. According to Philip Melugin, regulations for hunting are available on the Kansas Wildlife website. You should also know basic hunting etiquette and follow it at all times.

Quail hunting can be fun and productive, but Philip Melugin reminds hunters regarding the importance of putting safety first at all times. Most importantly, if you’re a beginner, be sure to let the staff at Pheasant Run Ranch know that when you’re making your reservation so they can ensure you have the best guide to help you as you begin your hunt.

Direct Media Power, Inc. Benefits and Services Explained

Direct Media Power

Direct Media Power

Radio advertisement powerhouse Direct Media Power, Inc. speaks about their exclusive service offerings and how radio can benefit most businesses.

A Gathering of Experts: Good morning, thank you for taking time to be with us today.

Direct Media Power: Thank you for having us.

A Gathering of Experts: Let’s get started, shall we? To begin, can you tell us a little about Direct Media Power? Specifically, for those who are unfamiliar with marketing terms, what is a direct response media firm?

Direct Media Power: Essentially what we do is create advertisements for our clients that elicit a direct response from their target consumer.

A Gathering of Experts: So would these be primarily businesses that do not require a retail environment?

Direct Media Power: Exactly–anything personal service. Think credit counseling, tax settlement, loan modification services, and specialized health products. There is a broad range of businesses we can work for effectively.

A Gathering of Experts: How does it work?

Direct Media Power: First, we visit with the client to find out exactly what they want and need. Then, we set to work researching the best markets. When we know where to advertise and who we are speaking to, we write, edit, and produce a radio commercial for our client to approve.

A Gathering of Experts: Where do these ads run?

Direct Media Power: We have access to virtually every corner of the country.

A Gathering of Experts: How does Direct Media Power stack up against media buyers and brokers?

Direct Media Power: First, they are not going to take any responsibility creating a commercial; we do. And, we pay for it as well. It is a free service to our clients.  Also, we provide a monitored/recorded call center with live transfer capabilities. All this with a money back guarantee.

A Gathering of Experts: How do your clients track their results?

Direct Media Power: We use a third party real-time, online tracking service – which we also provide free of charge — that records every call that a campaign generates.  There is no guessing here.  Companies that work with us can “see, feel, and touch” the response and effectively manage their people and sales process.

A Gathering of Experts: We understand that you take on more of a partner role than just a service provider. Can you explain?

Direct Media Power: After initial cash testing, which is just a few thousand dollars in most cases, we will evaluate the volume of calls generated. Based on that, our clients may have the option to pay only for the future calls they actually receive instead of the airtime, which can get expensive.

A Gathering of Experts: That sounds like it affords your clients the opportunity to focus their capital on other aspects of their business.

Direct Media Power: It does. And, since we are a radio-only provider, we are great at what we do and can have the client’s message on-air in just a few days.

A Gathering of Experts: Very good to know. We look forward to speaking with you again in the future.

Direct Media Power: Thank you again.


Direct Media Power, Inc., the nation’s most trusted source for pay per call direct media response services, is located just outside of Chicago. The group has successfully placed over $50,000,000 in national radio advertising in just the last five years. The team at Direct Media Power enjoys working relationships with all major radio broadcast networks as well as with thousands of local stations.

For more information on how to turn radio into revenue, visit directmediapower.com


Q&A with Rising Stars Founder Paul Savramis

Paul Savramis

Paul Savramis

Paul Savramis built a strong foundation in physical education and child psychology early, earning a Master’s degree in both subjects. As he was pursuing these degrees, Paul Savramis founded the Eastern Invitational Summer Basketball Camps in order to provide an outlet for young people to Play to Learn and to Grow. After a decade spent directing these summer camps, Paul Savramis wanted a program that would help kids year-round and Rising Stars was that program. This organization, birthed in 1996, provides children an opportunity to develop life skills and important values while learning basketball skills. Below, Paul Savramis answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the Rising Stars program.

Q: Rising Stars has become one of the nation’s most respected Youth Foundations. Explain what makes your program unique.

Paul Savramis: Rising Stars seeks to enroll children into its yearly programs in grade school. We do that through our clinics and camps. Children are placed on teams and participate in tournaments and leagues. Throughout that time we seek to reinforce family values and a sense of community. Our goal is to keep each child that enrolls in our programs active and in those programs throughout HS. We measure our success by the number of kids that go on to college following their senior year. I believe that the most unique aspect of this program is the degree of involvement and interaction between our coach’s and the players on our teams. We have dedicated teachers, not just coaches that stay involved and act as a valuable resource throughout the child’s development. Basketball is a tool to reach kids so that we can teach kids.

Q: What are the age groups for your Rising Stars?

Paul Savramis: Children are enrolled on teams in grade school from elementary school to high school. Teams start in grades 3 and 4 and continue throughout the player’s senior year. Clinics for younger children are offered.

Q: What about the younger children?

Paul Savramis: We have special sessions for kindergarten to fourth graders, providing lessons in a fun manner that is age and skill appropriate. We strongly believe that the emphasis of teaching at that age is Fun-damental. All Rising Stars clinics are interactive. Rising Stars was a pioneer in this style of camp and clinic.

Q: Can you tell me a bit about the camp’s philosophy?

Paul Savramis: Rising Stars has always believed that students learn more by actively participating. As I always say, if you tell someone they’ll forget. Show them and they’ll remember. Let them be involved, and they’ll understand.

We also stress that if you believe it you will achieve it. The Whiz Kids (Our travel group for away clinics) put on inspirational shows that demonstrate that Anything Is Possible.

Q: What about class size?

Paul Savramis: Camp and clinics size are strictly limited to assure each child remains an individual. We believe in working with smaller groups so that each child is able to get the personalized attention he or she needs.

Q: How much does a session at a Rising Stars camp cost?

Paul Savramis: Currently we have camps at Long Island Lutheran where enrollment is just over $1000 for each two week session. These particular camps are open to older children, from fourth grade to twelfth grade. Bus transportation and lunch is provided at an extra $60 charge.

Long Island Lutheran is our home base and is one of the largest summer programs in the world.

Yearly clinic costs vary by length of camp and specialty.

Q: What can I expect in my child’s daily session at Rising Stars?

Paul Savramis: Each session features introductions of new skills, as well as the opportunity to practice those skills. Participants put those skills into practice in one-on-one tournaments, daily drills and in games.

Q: Do you offer private training sessions outside of the camp?

Paul Savramis: Yes, a variety of individualized training sessions are available, from one-on-one to small groups of three or four students to one coach. These programs can be tailored to meet the needs of individual participants. All trainers are certified teachers.

Paul Savramis and the team at Rising Stars have received accolades from public officials and coaches around the world, including former President George W. Bush and former New York Governor George Pataki. Today, Paul Savramis leaves the day-to-day operations to Rising Stars staff as he continues to work to further the fundraising and marketing efforts of the organization. For further information and contact numbers visit Rising Stars at Risingstarsinc.org