J Kale Flagg Answers “What Is Success?”

J. Kale Flagg

J. Kale Flagg

J. Kale Flagg has made a pretty good success of himself over the years. Flagg is an alumnus of Yale University, and has hosted seminars on the secrets of success. J. Kale Flagg also serves as General Partner of the American Redevelopment Fund, a real-estate investment group that focuses on distressed property in the Western United States. J. Kale Flagg has given a lot of thought to the formulas for success over the years, and in this brief Q&A he provides some of his views on what makes a person successful.

Q: Looking back in history, who do you look up to for his or her success and business acumen?

J. Kale Flagg: I’d say that Andrew Carnegie is a perfect example. Carnegie moved over here from Scotland in the 19th century with pennies to his name and became one of America’s first billionaires at a time when staying a hotel cost about a nickel per night!

Q: What was Carnegie’s formula for success?

J. Kale Flagg: That’s a good question; it’s something that Carnegie himself reflected on a great deal.

Q: Didn’t Carnegie make a study of it?

J. Kale Flagg: Yes, he did. He hired a young man named Napoleon Hill, who went and interviewed men like Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Ford and William Wrigley. After two decades of research, Hill wrote Think and Grow Rich…

Q: What were Hill’s conclusions in the book?

J. Kale Flagg: Napoleon Hill broke it down into a formula of two groups: 97% who are the “worker bees,” and 3% who are the “rulers.” When the 3% control so much of the power and wealth, the 97% may wonder how things shook out that way, but that’s a topic for some other time.

Q: What is it that the 3% do differently?

J. Kale Flagg: Bottom line is that the 3% think differently then the 97%.  The look at opportunity instead of requirements.  Napoleon Hill talked about OPI (other people’s ideas), OPM (other people’s money), and OPE (other people’s efforts) all playing into the successes of the 3%.

Q: OPI, OPM, and OPE?

J. Kale Flagg: Yes, you could re-frame it as credit and investment, duplication and hard work, and a proven system. And if there’s one thing that ties many of those stories together, it’s the willingness to take big chances against measured odds.

Q: So what would be your takeaway, then?

J. Kale Flagg: Successful people don’t necessarily need to invent anything or make any grand discoveries. What they do is read the signs, get the lay of the land, and seize opportunities when the timing is just-so. They find or develop a great product at the right time, and then recruit and convince other people to get on board with you to help bring it to market.

Jeffrey Kale Flagg | Unlocking the Key to Success

Jeffrey Kale Flagg

Jeffrey Kale Flagg

As co-founder, COO and/or CEO of three distinct $100 million enterprises, Jeffrey Kale Flagg has overseen more than one hundred thousand sales people; and Flagg has spoken to and motivated more then 15,000 individuals at single venues . A skilled communicator, Jeffrey Kale Flagg shares some of his secrets to success in this brief article.

According to Jeffrey Kale Flagg, it can be quite frustrating and disappointing to spend time with people that constantly complain about their lives but never do anything to remedy an unwanted situation.  The amazing thing, says Jeffrey Kale Flagg, is that even though everyone can fix their problems, very few people try.  They prefer to sit, do nothing and complain. Why don’t people choose the mountain peak that they want to climb and just do it?  “There is no simple answer,” says Flagg.  “All I can tell you is that no matter how good any opportunity is, some people simply aren’t willing to put in effort.  They aren’t willing to change.”

We all know people who constantly complain, points out Jeffrey Kale Flagg. They complain about their job, complain about their relationships, or complain about no money or their weight. They may complain about their boss, or the weather or just about life in general. They keep doing the same thing day in and day out, adds Flagg, and are shocked when nothing changes. Why would people rather moan and groan than take action?  The answer to their problem, according to Jeffrey Kale Flagg, is really so simple.  All they have to do is to stop doing the things that are creating the wrong results.  They simply have to change their approach, says Flagg.

Jeffrey Kale Flagg suggests a simple formula for success.  Step one, says Flagg, is to find someone that has accomplished what you want, someone who has achieved the result that you want to achieve.  Then, says Jeffrey Kale Flagg, copy their formula–do what they did to get their result.  Lastly, concludes Flagg, is to stay persistent and never quit.  It sounds too simple, acknowledges Jeffrey Kale Flagg. Like many others, he says he was brought up to believe that to become successful, the formula had to be complex, difficult or unique.  But according to Flagg, “that is pure hogwash!”

According to Jeffrey Kale Flagg, to be successful all you have to do is find the vehicle that has taken another person up success-mountain. And then, concludes Jeffrey Kale Flagg, use the identical vehicle and drive on the same road.