Treating Your Skin the Right Way

When you’re ready to whip up a healthy meal, you’ve got to have the right ingredients.  Well, the same thing can be said for skin care.  If you’re going to have great and healthy skin, you’ve got to know the ingredients.  At the very least, it’s important to know what to look for, when deciding what the best ingredients are.  And so, The Balancing Act ® is happy to be joined by skin care experts Jason Toms and Lisa Savage – both of Hollywood-based InfiniteAloe® skin care.

The Balancing Act: Hello. It’s great to see you.

Jason Toms: Thank you so much, for having us.

The Balancing Act: Thank you, for being here.  So, let’s talk about Hollywood and about healthy, vibrant, skin.  In Hollywood, beauty is front and center.  When it comes to skin care in Hollywood, what are the beautiful people in Tinseltown looking for?  What are they doing?

Jason Toms: The people in Tinseltown are looking for what you’re looking for; and that is a formulation for skin care that works.  They are looking for formulations that are, basically, heavy and made from natural ingredients.  With no added toxic chemicals and things that are formulated with a really comprehensive delivery system.

The Balancing Act: You know?  Here’s the thing.  When I’m reading ingredient labels, if I can’t pronounce it, I’m wondering if it’s something that I should be putting on my skin.  How do we know what’s good and what’s not so good, guys?

Lisa Savage: That’s definitely where we need to educate ourselves, because it is.  It’s very confusing, especially with so many new products coming on the market every single day.  You definitely want to be careful of products that have heavy chemicals as the first ingredients.  You want to be careful of too much fragrance, because those are irritants for the skin.  And, you definitely want to stay away from anything that clogs your pores, because that’s shown to advance aging.  And, we don’t need any help with that, do we?

The Balancing Act: Girl, please.  That’s already happening at home; so we don’t need any more help with that one.

Lisa Savage: (Laugh) No, we don’t!

The Balancing Act: So, I want to talk a little bit about what I know is a really important ingredient to both of you; and that’s aloe vera.  I notice aloe vera in a lot of skin care products.  What I didn’t know (and, you educated me on this, Jason) there are over 300 different varieties of aloe vera.

Jason Toms: Absolutely.

The Balancing Act: How do I know which one is best for me?

Jason Toms: Luckily, scientists have figured it out.  The number one aloe vera, out of over 300 varieties, is Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller.

The Balancing Act: What’s so great about this?

Jason Toms: Well, it’s been scientifically proven to heal the skin up to 10 times faster than normal.

The Balancing Act: Wow!

Jason Toms: Yeah.  So, if you get a cut, bruise, burn, or abrasion – that can actually help with the healing process.  Obviously, your body heals itself.  And there are different beneficial qualities to aloe vera such as it is anti-fungal, antiviral, it’s antibacterial, and it’s an analgesic – which relieves pain.  Also, it’s really good for arthritis.

The Balancing Act: So, in general, what should we be looking for in terms of ingredients; and I guess more specifically, is there anything that we should avoid?

Lisa Savage: Well, yes.  From my research that I’ve done, there are certain chemicals you want to avoid that are, actually, harmful to the body.  Such as parabens, propylene glycol, petroleum, mineral oil.  Those are going to irritate your skin.  Plus, not to mention, it’s found that whatever we put on our skin can be found in almost every organ in our body.

The Balancing Act: EEEEEK!

Lisa Savage: So, it’s imperative that we put healthy, natural ingredients on our body.

The Balancing Act: I think you’re right.  Jason, I want to ask you this question: As women age, do you think they need to be paying more or less attention to the kinds of skin care products they use?

Jason Toms: Well, absolutely.  You do need to pay attention; and to be honest, the earlier, the better.  You don’t want to use things when you’re young that you’re going to regret later; but with the right ingredients, you know, it’s never too late.  Your skin changes as you age, too.  So, you kind of want to switch your skin care regimen to suit where you are in, in life.

The Balancing Act: That’s great insight.

Jason Toms: With the strongest aloe vera out there, the Barbadensis Miller, you can care for your skin today in preparation for your skin care tomorrow.  Take our InfiniteAloe products, for example.  They contain tons of oils, vitamins, and antioxidants.  We created a light and non-greasy formula that just soaks into your skin.  Men love the product, children love the product, and you can use it to shave with.

The Balancing Act: So, it’s a multi-use product.  I think is great for our audience, because we’re trying to balance it all.

Jason Toms: We’re all about convenience!

The Balancing Act: Thank you again for being here and for this great information.

Jason Toms: We were happy to be here.

The Balancing Act: For more skin care information, visit the skin care experts over at

The Balancing Act ® produces shows that offer a fresh approach to current topics and give a new spin on morning television. The Balancing Act is the first production company to earn the WomenCertified® Seal. If you would like to learn more about The Balancing Act visit



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