The team at YOR Health puts full confidence in the old adage that laughter is the best medicine. In fact, YOR Health has found a number of research projects that show humor is a terrific aid for overall health. In this interview, a YOR Health spokesperson shares how certain daily habits can reduce stress and provide a sense of relaxation for all people.
A Gathering of Experts: Hello, and welcome to our chat!
YOR Health: Glad to be here with you today.
A Gathering of Experts: What’s your first lifestyle tip for attaining good health?
YOR Health: Funny enough, it’s washing your hands.
A Gathering of Experts: That sounds like an odd place to start.
YOR Health: In a way, yes. However, nearly 80 percent of infections can be traced back to a person’s hands. Careful hand washing can help protect you from the spread of infection. [Read more…]