Apostle Pierre Bennett: Are You an Unlikely Prophet?

Apostle Pierre Bennett

Apostle Pierre Bennett

Apostle Pierre Bennett was a military serviceman, and a salesman before being called to serve God in 1999. It was then that Apostle Pierre Bennett founded God’s Luv International Ministries Church, which recognized him as an Apostle in 2008.

Apostle Pierre Bennett explains the importance of giving God’s prophecies away. If God sends a message through you, He expects you to deliver the message. Apostle Pierre Bennett often has people ask if he remembers things he has said to them. The truth is, Apostle Pierre Bennett may not remember, but he knows the importance of speaking the prophecies he’s been given to deliver.. Otherwise, Apostle Pierre Bennett says, it’s like a hard drive that keeps filling up with information. By speaking these prophecies, Apostle Pierre Bennett believes, he can let them go in order to have his mind free for new information from God.

If you are unsure that the messages you are getting are from God Himself, Apostle Pierre Bennett advises that you ask Him. He will give you the confirmation you request. Apostle Pierre Bennett recalls a confirmation that he received during a service in Mississippi. A man approached Apostle Pierre Bennett after the service and announced he was a prophet. Because the man was dressed sloppily, it didn’t quite fit, but it was a sign of God’s sense of humor. Sometimes, says Apostle Pierre Bennett, your confirmation can come in the oddest of ways.

Additionally, Apostle Pierre Bennett believed it was confirmation of everything God had been wanting to show him. The service was full of healing and people receiving His Word, and for a while Apostle Pierre Bennett had been asking God for a confirmation. These were things God had been sending through Pastor Bennett for a long time.

God is elevating you, no matter what those around you say. Apostle Pierre Bennett acknowledges that sometimes others may insist that God can’t possibly be talking through you because you aren’t jumping around or shouting. But Apostle Pierre Bennett points out that just because you don’t do things exactly the way they do, doesn’t mean you aren’t in the process of moving to the next level in God’s kingdom.

If those around you have been saying they don’t believe you’ve been anointed, disregard those statements. God will show you what you need to see, when you need to see it, Apostle Pierre Bennett states. The key is to hear His Word and pass it on. Become his vessel. Those who fail to understand will never realize you are being elevated to the next level.

To learn more about God’s Luv International Ministries Church, call 703-395-1430.