Delectable Dangers for Dogs and How to Keep Them Safe

Even the most ardent dog lover has to admit that when it comes to our beloved canine companions, they think more with their stomachs than their heads. So if you have guests coming over who don’t know your dog’s routine, it’s vitally important to keep an eye on pups of all ages.

During special dinners, people tend to serve richer foods, and that food may tempt a pet to the point of obsession. It wants to eat that entire ham, turkey or chicken. So, keep main dishes up high where dogs can’t get a hold of them. And inform guests that feeding dogs under the table isn’t a great idea, too. If a dog eats too much fatty food it can get ill. Signs of pancreatitis are vomiting, diarrhea along with abdominal pain.

Also, don’t let anyone give a dog a leftover bone. Bones can splinter and puncture the stomach or intestine because they become brittle when they cook. They also pose a chocking hazard for dogs. The only bones that dogs should be offered as treats are the big and meaty bones from a butcher – not something from the dining room table.

Chocolate also poses a potential health threat for pups. Chocolate toxicity can occur within a day, and it can be very serious. The darker the chocolate, the more danger, especially in relation to the dog’s weight. So, make sure the kids (and adults) consume chocolate away from dogs. It’s not a bad idea to place the leftover wrapper as far down in the trash as possible to keep dogs from smelling the chocolate. Also many chocolates come wrapped in foil, which cannot only be a potential choking hazard – it can also get stuck in a dog’s intestines.

Another thing to watch out for is bread dough. Dough will expand in a dog’s stomach and can make it very ill. Also, the gas that it will produce in the digestive system could even potentially rupture a dog’s stomach or intestines. So when baking, it’s important to keep dough far out of a dog’s reach. Instead of letting it rise on a cutting board, it may not be a bad idea to put it on top of a shelf. (Bonus: it will probably be warmer the higher it is in the kitchen, which will make it rise faster!)

Hosting guests can be a happy and hectic time. But it’s important to keep an eye out for the furry members of the household, so that they stay safe, too.

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