Moving Squad Founder Aldo Disorbo Considers a Move of His Own

Aldo-Disorbo-Restaurant-Gathering of ExpertsAfter three decades in the industry, Aldo Disorbo says his future may hold more cultural endeavors than his past. Today, this moving industry veteran speaks with A Gathering of Experts about his plans to open an Italian restaurant when he retires from Moving Squad.

A Gathering of Experts: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today.

Aldo Disorbo: My pleasure.

A Gathering of Experts: Can you tell us a bit about your business?

Aldo Disorbo: I own a company called Moving Squad. We are based in Fort Lauderdale. We offer local moving services at an affordable price.

A Gathering of Experts: You have been a major player in the moving industry for nearly 30 years. Why might you want to change career paths at this point?

Aldo Disorbo: I have always identified strongly with my Italian heritage. And, I love to cook. I think that opening my own Italian diner/bistro would be a dream come true. I’m not ready to retire from moving just yet, just thinking ahead.

A Gathering of Experts: That is a significant transition.

Aldo Disorbo: Not really. There are many similarities, I think, between the two industries.

A Gathering of Experts: How so?

Aldo Disorbo: When you own a moving company—or any business really—you have to organize people, places and things. You have to make sure that everything fits together like a well-oiled machine.

A Gathering of Experts: Like a restaurant’s wait staff, chefs and servers must work together to create happy customers?

Aldo Disorbo: Exactly—if any part of the dining experience is unpleasant, a meal can be ruined.

A Gathering of Experts: And so it goes with the moving industry?

Aldo Disorbo: At Moving Squad, we have sales staff, customer service reps, and movers. A deficiency in any of these departments reflects poorly on the entire company, effectively leaving a bad taste in the mouths of our customers.

A Gathering of Experts: Do you like to cook?

Aldo Disorbo: I’m Italian; of course I like to cook!

A Gathering of Experts: What are some of your favorite Italian dishes?

Aldo Disorbo: I don’t know that I could pinpoint just a few.

A Gathering of Experts: Italy is known mostly for pasta—let’s talk about lesser-known indigenous dishes. What does a typical Italian breakfast consist of?

Aldo Disorbo: Like many European countries, breakfast is usually served continental-style.

A Gathering of Experts: Like a hotel?

Aldo Disorbo: Not exactly. Italian breakfast is usually homemade and consists of café latte and buttered bread or rolls. Most coffee shops serve simple pastries, though cereals and yogurts are becoming more common.

A Gathering of Experts: What is the largest meal of the day?

Aldo Disorbo: In Italian culture it’s usually lunch. Europeans typically make lunch a more intimate affair than Americans. Pranzo (the midday meal) usually lasts at least an hour and a half and consist of several different courses.

A Gathering of Experts: How is that adapted for American culture?

Aldo Disorbo: For a restaurant, I would shorten the dining options to a simple salad and bread sticks with a small main course of pasta. One popular pre-meal food in Italy is finger sandwiches. You could also serve these as an entrée.

A Gathering of Experts: It seems that Italian food is more formal overall than what we have here in Western society.

Aldo Disorbo: Yes, but coming from a large Italian family, I can tell you that there’s nothing in the world that helps families bond like sitting down over a well-prepared meal. That is one reason that I want to open my own restaurant when I leave the moving business.

A Gathering of Experts: If you run your restaurant the way that you operate your moving services companies, you will no doubt be quite successful.

Aldo Disorbo: I appreciate the vote of confidence and I’m definitely looking forward to the challenge.

A Gathering of Experts: In a few more years we may look back on your many successes as evidence that you don’t have to stick with what you’re comfortable with.

Aldo Disorbo: I certainly hope so.

A Gathering of Experts: That’s all the time that we have for today. Thank you for chatting with us.

Aldo Disorbo: My pleasure.

Aldo Disorbo has spent the last two and a half decades building a clientele throughout southern Florida. Since his early days hauling friends’ and neighbors’ household goods in an old truck, Aldo Disorbo has made customer service his No. 1 priority. For more information, visit


Aldo Todini Offers Advice on Capri Travel

Aldo Todini

Aldo Todini

Aldo Todini stays busy with his career as a business consultant. However, he also takes time to relax and rejuvenate. Today, the Gathering of Experts Blog catches up with Todini who says the tiny Island of Capri is his go-to getaway.

Gathering of Experts: Thanks for taking time out to chat with us today. We always enjoy hearing about attractions that even the locals love.

Aldo Todini: My pleasure.

Gathering of Experts: Let’s talk about the island itself. Capri is known for its unique shoreline. Tell us about it.

Aldo Todini: The Island has many rock formations known as faraglioni. These are tall rock “islands” that jut out from the ocean, just off the coast. Plus, the waters are clear and blue – very picturesque.

Gathering of Experts: And, away from the ocean – what attractions does the mainland offer?

Aldo Todini: Anacapri, the Island’s highest town – it has spectacular views of the harbor and offers visitors the opportunity to ascend to Mount Solaro.

Gathering of Experts: Emperor Tiberius spent a great deal of time on the Island, correct?

Aldo Todini: Yes, he had several private villas here and used the island as a personal retreat.

Gathering of Experts: Can you tell us a bit about the town of Capri?

Aldo Todini: This is the main city on the Island, and also its namesake. Piazza Umberto I is located here. La Piazzetta, as the Piazza is known, is where the Santa Stefano cathedral is located.

Gathering of Experts: Capri is notable for having a traditional Mediterranean feel. How is that?

Aldo Todini: There are grapevines and olive trees growing throughout the island and the towns that dot the landscape. Capri is very typical of a Mediterranean village.

Gathering of Experts: What about shopping?

Aldo Todini: The Island and its towns are home to many unique shops. Handmade items and regional foods and wines are sold here throughout the year.

Gathering of Experts: Tell us about the monastery…

Aldo Todini: In the 14th century, Carthusian monks erected the Certosa di San Giacomo. Historically, there has been much controversy around the land, stemming between the native islanders and the monks who lived there. Of course, now, the area is more modern and houses museums and a school. It is one of the main attractions on the island.

Gathering of Experts: Where are the best views on the Island?

Aldo Todini: I’d have to say that is from the Phoenician Steps – a set of 800 steps leading down to the sea from Anacapri.

Gathering of Experts: Sound like this is an interesting vacation destination.

Aldo Todini: Indeed and it is a wonderful day trip from Naples. I’d like to suggest visiting the Grotto Azzurra. This sea cave has the most beautifully colored waters in the world.

Gathering of Experts: We will keep that in mind. Thank you for talking with us today. We look forward to hearing more about Italy and all of its charms.

Aldo Todini: Again, my pleasure – I am always happy to share the beauty of my county with travelers.

Aldo Todini was born in Turkey to Italian parents and has lived here since early childhood. While he has traveled the world in his career as a technical and business consultant, Aldo Todini says there is no place that can rival the feeling of unity one feels in an Italian home or restaurant. 


Aldo Todini offre consigli su Capri di viaggio

Aldo Todini molto impegnato dalla sua attività di consulente aziendale, ogni tanto si concede anche qualche giorno di vacanza per rilassarsi e rigenerarsi. Oggi, Gathering of Experts Blog si è fatto raccontare da Todini Capri, la sua destinazione preferita.

Gathering of Experts: Grazie per aver trovato il tempo per parlare con noi oggi. Abbiamo sempre piacere di parlare di luoghi meravigliosi con le persone che li amano.

Aldo Todini: Il piacere è mio.

Gathering of Experts: Parliamo dell’isola. Capri è conosciuta per il suo litorale unico. Ce ne parli?

Aldo Todini: L’isola ha molte formazioni rocciose conosciute come faraglioni. Questi sono “isole” – scogli alti – che spuntano dal mare, vicino alla costa. Inoltre, le acque sono limpide e blu – molto pittoresco.

Gathering of Experts: A parte il mare cosa offre la terraferma?

Aldo Todini: Anacapri, paese più alto dell’isola – ha una vista spettacolare sul porto e offre ai visitatori la possibilità di salire al Monte Solaro.

Gathering of Experts: L’imperatore Tiberio andava spesso sull’Isola, giusto?

Aldo Todini: Sì, aveva alcune residenze private e usava l’isola come un rifugio personale.

Gathering of Experts: Puoi dirci un po’ sulla cittadina Capri?
Aldo Todini: E’ la cittadina principale dell’isola. Piazza Umberto I si trova qui. La Piazzetta, la famosa piazza di Capri, è dove si trova la cattedrale di S. Stefano.

Gathering of Experts: Capri si distingue per la sua tradizionale atmosfera mediterranea. In che senso?

Aldo Todini: Viti, ulivi e limoni crescono in tutta l’isola e ne punteggiano il paesaggio. Capri è alla fine un tipico di un villaggio mediterraneo.

Gathering of Experts: Che dire sullo shopping?

Aldo Todini: L’isola è piena di negozietti unici. I prodotti che vi si trovano sono spesso fatti a mano e i cibi e i vini locali sono in vendita tutto l’anno.

Gathering of Experts: Parlaci del monastero …

Aldo Todini: Nel 14° Secolo i monaci certosini costruirono la Certosa di San Giacomo. Storicamente, ci sono state molte frizioni tra gli isolani e i monaci che vi abitavano. Naturalmente ora la situazione è  serena e all’interno della Certosa sorge un museo e una scuola. E’ una delle principali attrazioni dell’isola.

Gathering of Experts: Dove sono i migliori panorami?

Aldo Todini: Secondo me alla Scala Fenicia – una scalinata di 800 gradini che scende verso il mare da Anacapri.

Gathering of Experts: Sembra come una meta turistica interessante.

Aldo Todini: infatti, ed è una gita meravigliosa che si può fare tranquillamente in un giorno da Napoli. Suggerisco ovviamente di visitare la Grotta Azzurra. Questa grotta sul mare ha le acque più incredibilmente colorate del mondo.

Gathering of Experts: Lo terremo a mente. Grazie per aver parlato con noi oggi. Non vediamo l’ora di farci raccontare di più sull’Italia e tutto il suoi luoghi pieni di fascino.

Aldo Todini: E’ mio il piacere – io sono sempre felice di condividere la bellezza del mio paese con i viaggiatori di tutto il mondo.

Aldo Todini è nato in Turchia da genitori italiani. Mentre lui ha girato il mondo nella sua carriera come consulente di business e d’investimenti, Aldo Todini dice che non c’è luogo che può rivaleggiare con il sentimento di calore e di unione che si sente in una casa italiana o al ristorante con i propri cari