Jeffrey Nimer
Jeffrey Nimer is a Los Angeles Chef who boasts the Olsen twins and Ben Affleck among his clients. Today, Chef Jeffrey Nimer explains to us how to get the right ingredients to whip up a meal like Momma never could.
Gathering of Experts: Hi, Chef Nimer. Thank you for joining us today. We are very excited to have you.
Jeffrey Nimer: Thank you!
Gathering of Experts: Let’s get started. Grocery shopping: what’s your take?
Jeffrey Nimer: First, I have to note that I never buy second-rate products.
Gathering of Experts: And, why is that? Isn’t pasta, for example, the same no matter what box it comes in?
Jeffrey Nimer: I’ll counter that by saying to avoid boxed foods altogether if possible. No, not all foods are the same. The freshest ingredients make for the freshest tasting meals.
Gathering of Experts: And fresh tastes best…
Jeffrey Nimer: Exactly! Also, don’t cut corners. If you are making a dish that calls for white wine, use white wine.
Gathering of Experts: What about genetically modified foods? We understand you supported California’s Proposition 37.
Jeffrey Nimer: I did and still do. Organic is simply the best way to go. Knowing what is, or isn’t, in you food is always better than not.
Gathering of Experts: Let’s talk a little about meats. What’s your top pick for a nice meal?
Jeffrey Nimer: Any tenderloin cut because they are easy to prepare and can be paired with a vegetable and starch for a quick, easy, and delicious dinner.
Gathering of Experts: Where is the best place to get a good steak?
Jeffrey Nimer: No matter where you live, find a respectable butcher. And, make nice with him.
Gathering of Experts: And cooking equipment?
Jeffrey Nimer: Women in the old South used nothing but cast iron pans for everything and turned out savory meals with little to no preparation. You know why they did that? It’s because they were the best available at the time. I am a lover of classic cuisine and my passion for cooking extends to my equipment. I say use the best, use the items that are essential and have stood the test of time.
Gathering of Experts: Where can the average Joe get some great kitchen gear?
Jeffrey Nimer: One of the most accessible places is William Sonoma but check online, too.
Gathering of Experts: Any final thoughts?
Jeffrey Nimer: I have to get this out: don’t mess with simple. Take pancakes, as an example. I see so many young chefs experimenting with this already perfected method. Start with a classic recipe and the food with speak for itself.
Jeffrey Nimer is the founder and head of Haute Chefs, an LA catering firm for movie sets, social events, and more. For more information of Haute Chefs or to contact Jeffrey Nimer visit hautechefsofla.com.
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