Mallory Fleming
Fashion maven Mallory Fleming believes that fashion can determine how people view and define themselves. With clothes we can create an identity that tells others who we are, says Mallory Fleming.
Q: You believe that something as simple as how you dress could affect your self-confidence?
Mallory Fleming: Absolutely. If you feel good about what you’re wearing, you look poised and confident in all situations.
Q: Do you have a confidence trick?
Mallory Fleming: I like to dress up nicely on a bad day. I actually trick myself into feeling good.
Q: How would you describe your style?
Mallory Fleming: My personal style is preppy with a little added glamour. I like the clean lines of Burberry, Lilly Pulitzer, and Ralph Lauren.
Q: What do you like about the preppy style?
Mallory Fleming: The colors are bright and happy, so you feel good about yourself. I do like a little bling also, and I like to wear sequined and shiny for a more glamorous look.
Q: Do you think it’s important to have your personal style?
Mallory Fleming: I believe that by finding your own personal style through clothing and accessories, you’re able to learn more about who you are as a person and gain more confidence.
Q: Is it easy to create a personal style?
Mallory Fleming: Yes, we can all do it. A little makeover can make your confidence level soar.
Q: What kind of makeover?
Mallory Fleming: A new outfit, a simple haircut or a new color, or even just a new eyeliner can go from plain to beautiful.
Q: The fashion industry affects consumers, but do consumers have an effect on the fashion industry?
Mallory Fleming: Absolutely. If we decide not to follow a particular trend, than the trend will die. Some of the things we see on the runaway we could never imagine wearing on the street.
Mallory Fleming is an 18-year-old honor student and part-time employee for fashion store Abercrombie & Fitch.